Wednesday, July 7, 2010


She's become nocturnal. During the day, it is extremely hard to spot her at all, because she usually hides in the thickest part of the plant. Plus, her color has become a perfect match to the plant's color. That is actually a normal process - every time the old exoskeleton is shed, the new one emerges with a better camouflage scheme.
So, yesterday when I was closing the backyard door for the night, I noticed her in the plant. She was crawling around and was acting quite animated. Maybe, when she was a young nymph, she needed all the food she could get her fangs on, so she also hunted during the day. Now, that she's grown big - and man, is she big now - skipping a meal  is probably not  life threatening for her anymore.
Good thing I have a big, sturdy tripod now, and a flashlight, too. Both enabled me to get some photos from her, through the glass of the living room window.
I sincerely hope that the bright flashlight did not disturb her too much, but this was the only way to have enough illumination, even with an ISO setting of 1600.
Today, as soon as it was dark outside, she came out to the same spot again, so I am inclined to believe that this is her behavioral pattern now. The days, when she would enjoy the morning sun on an extended leaf or branch, and when she could be easily found in the outer rims of the plant during the day, are apparently over.

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